Family New Year’s Resolutions

Jan 10, 2023


Well January 2023 is in full swing!

Many of us have at least thought about our New Year’s Resolutions; wanting to get in shape, reduce stress, or reach some crazy goal. January is perfect for new beginnings. While this focus is great and “self-care” is quite the buzz word right now. Have you thought about how your family will grow in 2023?

Here are a few examples of good family goals:

  1. Spending quality time together: This can include activities like having regular family dinners, going on vacation, or having a weekly family game night.
  2. Creating a sense of tradition: This can include things like establishing a weekly or monthly family meeting, having holiday traditions, or creating special rituals that are unique to your family.
  3. Encouraging open communication: This can include setting aside dedicated time for each family member to talk about their day or week, or working on active listening skills to improve communication and understanding within the family.
  4. Fostering a strong sense of teamwork: This can include things like working on a family project together, or setting and achieving goals as a team.
  5. Supporting personal and educational targets: This can include things like setting educational goals, encouraging reading, or encouraging family members to pursue their interests and passions.
  6. Focusing on health and wellness: This can include things like setting fitness goals, eating healthy meals together, and encouraging regular physical activity.
  7. Teaching values and building character: Teaching your children the important values like Honesty, Generosity, Helpfulness and encouraging them to develop strong moral character.

It’s important to note that the goals may vary from one family to another, depending on the family’s interest, lifestyle, and dynamics. Family goals should be realistic and meaningful to each member of the family. Finally, think about how you will keep your family goals in front of you; discussing and reviewing will help you all stay motivated and make adjustments if necessary.

Looking forward to a great 2023!

One Accord for Kids