5 Ideas for a Not-So-Snowy Snow Day

Jan 31, 2023


Snow days are THE BEST for all the right reasons. Unable to drive anywhere but you can still play in the snow. In West Texas this only happens once, maybe twice a year. The not so snowy snow days on the other hand, can take a bit more creativity to survive because it’s not as fun to be outside. Screens are definitely a go-to but can serve well as a last resort or reward for enduring. Here are 4 things to do on a not so snowy snow day.

1. Board Games

Pull out one of those board games you have sitting around and gather everyone around. Combat the eye-rolls with your enthusiasm and ignore the disapproving gesture (they’ll come around).

2. Build a Fort! 

Pillows, blankets, towels, Amazon boxes…you name it you can use it. Make it big enough to fit one person, the whole family, or just their favorite stuffed animal. 

3. Paper Crafts

We discovered these during the Coronavirus Pandemic. They are simple and not so simple figures that can be built with paper, tape, and glue.  These crafts can be found all over the internet by searching for “paper crafts” with your kiddos favorite toy or cartoon in front. We search “Pokemon paper craft”, “Blue Angel paper craft”, and “Sonic paper craft” all the time. 

4. Repurpose Legos

Pull out those legos your kids have put together a dozen times and build something new. The Lego website has hundreds of instruction books dating back to the 80’s! 

5. Winterventure

Bundle up and head outside. The world looks different when it’s shocked by a winter freeze. Look for icicles on the trees (we don’t see those too much), break up the frozen puddles, find a frosted field and write your family name in the grass, or just brave the cold and revel in the adventure. 

Finally, no matter what, remember that it is not about what you do with your kids but how you do it. If you have fun then they will have fun and you will be teaching them how to cope with difficult situations. 

Stay warm and enjoy!

One Accord for Kids!